BPO’s or MNC’s or any other workplace where female employees are working till late evening or in night shifts, are mandatorily required to be provided with pick up and drop facility, with an escort guard in each vehicle, for the safety of female employees. As per the Shop and Establishment Act of various state, it is a mandatory requirement. For instance, as per Bombay Shop & Establishment Act, a female employee working beyond 9:30 PM till 7 AM must be provided with cab facility with escort guard in Mumbai.

In metro cities, it is not uncommon for female employees to work late at night, therefore, our escort security service in Mumbai is one of the most sought after service by the MNCs.

An Escort Guard requires special skills as the threat in this case is different than faced by a security guard stationed at office, factory or malls, as he is required to guard female employees at night while in transit.

Escort Guard Training

An Escort Guard in Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad or Bangalore becomes more potent when training is provided to them on regular basis. Training of escort security is of paramount importance and hence we provide regular training as they must deal with situation such as:

  • Vehicle break down
  • Miscreants/anti-social elements chasing the vehicle or trying to stop it
  • Vehicle catches fire
  • Unprofessional behavior of driver
  • Driver taking unfamiliar route
  • Employee request to change drop point or the route
  • Employee faces any emergency health issue
  • Riot or civil disturbance
  • Roads closed due to heavy rain
  • Ventilation issue caused by jammed windows and doors during flooding
  • Facing any other emergency

Our escort guards are further trained in first aid, fire fighting and self-defence on regular basis to enable them to tackle any emergency that may arise while escorting female employees at night. Our exclusively designed training for escorts guards, cover all the above topics with interactive session, demonstration and role playing which are conducted once in a month in our classroom.

We are successfully providing escort guards to many of our MNC’s clients in India with a record 100% retention rate.



48,GTB Nagar,India Seva Mandal,Antophill,Mumbai 400037

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Email us : info@topsecurity.co.in
Call us at 022-24072116 / 9768972116 / 9833092259 / 7977891418

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